How the flight controls affect An Airplane 737 MAX


As a general matter whenever an airplane accident occurs the presumption is the pilot did something wrong. Quite often, this is correct. However, not always as with the case of the 737 Max. The flight accident investigators determined that the airplane angle of attack indicator. As determined from the black box(which is usually red). The pilots attempted to fight the assist however, it was more powerful then the pilots physical strength. One of the first checks we do as a pilot at engine start is check to make sure we can over power the autopilot. However, if this isn't even on the check list or not realistic or not trained for then as a pilot you don't know what you don't know.

The Flight Controls:

In the planes that I currently train in there is a auto pilot release button. Essentially, if the autopilot is engaged, the pilot hits the button and auto pilot disengages. This is important because the autopilot can put you in a pitch or flight direction that is not good. The 737 Max accident occurred because of what was essentially an auto pilot control system that attempts to prevent stalls. A stall is when the airplanes angle of attack reaches it critical angle. This is known a airflow separation.

This angle of attack indicator was a type of auto pilot that got stuck and indicated to a computer that the plane was in an attitude that it was not. This thus forced the plane into a nose down dive. Quite a bit of this article is about how a go no go pressure caused certain aircraft design deficiency's. This is similar to why the Challenger Shuttle blew up. Because upper management ignored the warnings of lower level employees.

I am an instrument rated pilot and represent pilots and persons that have been in airplane accidents. I have represented numerous clients for injury accidents, please do not hesitate to call me for a free consultation.

Please note that none of the foregoing is legal advice nor should it be considered a legal advertisement, if you have a legal matter you should most likely contact an attorney. Even if you decide not to call me you should probably still get in contact with a lawyer. The Law Offices of Christopher G. White, P.A. is a Global Law Firm available for free consultations in person, via Facetime, Skype, Zoom or phone (434) 660-9701. Check out my website and blog articles. Thank you for reading, please also look at my other practice areas, like Security Clearance Lawyer and Car Accident Attorney. At my Law Firm we focus on the best result for the client. To stay connected I have a Youtube Channel, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger, Reddit, Yelp, Avvo and Justia. Thank you for your time and consideration.

The Law Office of Christopher G. White, P.A.


(available in person, skype, facetime or zoom)

Ph:(434) 660-9701

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