Lynchburg DUI Defense Lawyer

Lynchburg DUI Defense Lawyer

If you have been Charged with Drunk Driving, you should call me for a free consultation (434) 660-9701. I am a Lynchburg Virginia DUI defense lawyer. Accordingly, virginia law says that "The Fact that a defendant has been arrested is not proof of guilt - in fact it is not proof of anything." Brady v. Maryland (1963)

Lynchburg DUI Lawyer

Virginia DUI Law

Certainly, "It is a matter of common knowledge based on human experince that outward manifestations of intoxication will vary from individual to individual. While one highly intoxicated individual may exhibit few, if any, outward manifestations of intoxication, another individual may appear to be very intoxicated after consuming a small quantity of alcohol. Thus, a determination whether a person was "under the influence of alcohol," even when aided  by statutory presumption, cannot be reduced to a readily usable mathmatical or objective formula. Rather, that determination must be based upon the totality of the evidence."  Davis v. Commonwealth (1989) Consequently, you are entitled to the presumption of innocence.

Lynchburg Drugged Driving Attorney

Drugged Driving is DUI:

With the recently legalization of Marijuana in Virginia, law enforcement has a hightened sense of awareness to drugged driving. Driving high is drugged driving. Just because an accused has not been drinking alcohol does mean they cannot be charge with DUI. Here is some important information to know about marijuana and driving.

When Driving Under the Influence or Driving While Intoxicated, a Drug Recognition Officer will likely be called and use a 12 step process to evaluate the impairment of a suspect.

  1. Breath Alcohol Test: the roadside test used if suspected alcohol impairment
  2. Interview of the Arresting Officer
  3. Preliminary examination, pulse.
  4. Eye Examination: Nystagmus, Lack of Convergence
  5. Divided Attention/Psychophysical Tests: Modified Romberg Test, One Legged Stand, Finger to nose test.
  6. Vital Signs, Pulse
  7. Dark Room Examination: Pupilometer,
  8. Examination for muscle tone of suspect
  9. Checking for injection sites
  10. Suspects statements and other observations
  11. Analysis and opinions of the evaluator
  12. Toxicological Examination

DUI Lawyer

Subsequently, if you have been charged with drunk driving, you will likely want to consult with a DUI lawyer. Moreover, a DUI Attorney can examine the states evidence against you. Particularly, advise you on the likely outcome of your case. Depending on your choice, help you obtian the best possible outcome. I can provide a free consultation (434) 660-9701

Don't leave your future in the hands of chance, first do not drink or do drugs and drive. But, If you do you will likely want an attorney to help you navigate the justice system. I examine all aspects of my clients case, review the discovery, look for legal motions to make and, fight the case at trial. The issues or legal holes in a DUI case are numorous. Most lay persons would not be able to find them without legal help. If you have been charged with DUI and you do not call me, you should still call some attorney.

Lynchburg DUI Attorney

Lynchburg traffic ticket Attorney

Chris White Lawyer, LLC. is a Lynchburg, Virginia Law Firm available for free consultations in person, via Facetime, Skype, Zoom or phone (434) 660-9701. Please also check out my practice areas in Personal Injury AttorneyCriminal Defense Lawyer and, Security Clearance Attorney. At my Law Firm we focus on the best result for the client. To stay connected I have a Youtube ChannelInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedInTumblrBloggerRedditRumbleTruthSocialPatreonVimeoThreadsYelp,  Avvo and Justia.
Chris White lawyer, LLC
Cellphone: (434) 660-9701
Available with appointment (434) 660-9701
700 12th St, Lynchburg, VA 24504
Available with appointment (434) 660-9701
11 Tradewynd Dr., Lynchburg, VA 24502


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