Vigilance is Safety Auto Accident Attorney


A U.S. Citizen is far more likely to be in a Car Crash at some point in their life then get into an airplane accident. Most fear in this world originates in the unknown. Human beings naturally fear that with which they do not know. If you have been in an Car Crash, you should call me (434) 660-9701. I am a Lynchburg Auto Accident Attorney.

Part of flight training to be an airplane pilot directly addresses this unknown aspect and how it relates to fear. While training to be a Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot and Certificated Flight Instructor, we specifically learned what we did not know prior to getting in the airplane and training flight maneuvers. When you know how something works and can anticipate what will happen next, fear steps out of the equation.

We live in the reality that a person is far more likely to be injured in an auto accident. The reason for this is actually the fear perception of the public. In the early days of aviation accidents were frequent. This was circa 1960 and before. Today, however is a totally different story, there is a regulation book written in the blood past flight operation mistakes. The book is called the Federal Aviation Regulations/Airmen Information Manual. With the top quality perfectionist application of safety regulations and practices the Federal Aviation Administration and aviation community have made it more likely to be struck by lighting then injured in an airplane crash.

In 2021, according to the CDC 444 people died from lighting strikes in the United States. According to the National Transportation Safety Board in 2021 373 people died from civil aviation operations. Keep in mind that statistic includes all of civil aviation including very small general aviation aircraft. During that same 2021 period of time the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration projects that 42,915 people have died in auto accidents in the United States.

42,915 is a huge number. That’s almost the population of Charlottesville, Virginia being wiped off the map because of auto accident fatalities, yearly. The reason that these statistics are important are several fold. For example, the ushering in of autonomous vehicles will likely see a reduction in total auto accident deaths. When a major airline takeoffs in the United States from approximately 5 minutes after takeoff until 5 minutes before landing a computer is operating the aircraft. This is important because it has resulted in its own reduction of fatal accidents. If the same prospectus was applied to new motor vehicles, we would likely see a similar reduction in fatal accidents. This is because a computer does most systematic tasks better than a human being. It’s a simple fact of life that human error is within every single one of us.

Have you been injured in an auto accident? I am a Lynchburg Auto Accident Attorney and you may be entitled to maximum compensation. Considering it an honor to fight for your maximum compensation rights after an auto accident, you should call me at (434) 660-9701. Having been born and raised here in Lynchburg, Virginia, please allow me to fight for you. If you are facing an insurance company, your going to want someone to step into the ring for you that’s prepared to go toe to toe. Call me for a free consultation.

Chris White Lawyer, LLC. is a Lynchburg, Virginia Law Firm available for free consultations in person, via Facetime, Skype, Zoom or phone (434) 660-9701. Please also check out my practice areas in Personal Injury AttorneyCriminal Defense Lawyer and, Security Clearance Attorney. At my Law Firm we focus on the best result for the client. To stay connected I have a Youtube ChannelInstagramFacebook,  TwitterLinkedInTumblrBloggerRedditRumbleTruthSocial,  Patreon,  VimeoThreads,  Yelp,  Avvo and Justia.

Chris White lawyer, LLC

Cellphone: (434) 660-9701

Available with appointment (434) 660-9701:

700 12th St, Lynchburg, VA 24504

100 Tradewynd Dr. Lynchburg, VA 24502

9424 Baymeadows Rd Unit 250, Jacksonville, FL 32256

1701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006


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